Training for My First Marathon: Week 6 and Sparkly Soul Giveaway Winner!

This week marked another great week of training and some really hard workouts. For those who don’t know me that well, I’m not sure I’ve mentioned it much before, I LOVE hard workouts. I love the feeling of accomplishment you get from finishing a workout that you thought was seemingly impossible and there was no way you could do it and then you DO IT! You know, kind of like speedwork (I’m looking at you, Coach!) That feeling is amazing and never gets old for me.

Couldn't be more true!

Couldn’t be more true!

Week 6

Monday: Yoga

Tuesday: 3 easy miles AM + Chobani event at Barry’s Bootcamp PM

Ready to kick some butt!

Pre-workout! Ready to kick some butt!

I’d like to say a huge thank you to Chobani for inviting me to another incredible fitness event. For the love of G-d, this workout is HARD. This was only my second time at Barry’s Bootcamp. I think it’s, by far, the hardest workout I’ve ever done. I was literally high off of it for the rest of the night. Do you get like that? High off of an intense workout that leaves you feeling amazed that you completed it? There is nothing like those endorphins. I sprinted for 30 seconds at a 6:58 pace. I couldn’t have imagined I could ever run that fast. I know it was only 30 seconds but I was so proud of myself. I also have NO CLUE how you speedy people run races at that pace. NO CLUE. After the workout, we refueled with delicious Chobani smoothies. I had a peanut butter chocolate one and MUST recreate this at home. It was so good. I definitely could have had like 10 of them. After the event was over, I walked a little with Michelle and Kim. I think that was the first time I’ve ever actually walked through Washington Square Park. I’ve lived in New York City for 10 years; shame on me. It was a perfect summer night for a walk.

Beautiful summer night!

Beautiful summer night!

Wednedsay: Flywheel

This is the hardest I’ve pushed myself in Flywheel in a long time (thanks Danielle) and I felt it when I got off the bike. My legs were surprisingly looser than when I jumped into the saddle but they were most definitely feeling the effects of Tuesday’s workout. I gave my body a little pep talk; two more hard workouts this week and you get a well deserved rest day. Yes, I really did tell myself that.

Thursday: 5 mile progression run AM + Refine Method PM

A major thank you to Liz who woke up at the ass crack of dawn, on a day she wasn’t working, when she’s not training, to run a fast progression run in 93% humidity with me. THAT is true friendship. I couldn’t have done it without her.

I will admit, by midday Thursday, my legs were begging for mercy and I knew Refine Method would be tough. Thankfully I had Allison to help push me through. Why are hard workouts so much more bearable with friends? Truthfully, I think the promise of wine with Allison, post-class, probably helped me push through too. What? Balance, right?

Friday: Rest day

Thank the LORD! I worked HARD for my rest day this week. I love Friday rest days.

Saturday: 14 miles

It is absolutely amazing how the miles just FLY by when you are in the company of some incredible friends. I ran 14 miles with some of my favorite people this weekend. I ran over the Queensboro Bridge, picked up Annie, Kim and Bernadette, and we were off to meet Allison, Nicole and Liz at 59th and Park for our adventure down Summer Streets. This week was awesome. 14 miles. 4 bridge spans. 3 boroughs. 6 friends.

Some of my favorite people!

Some of my favorite people!

This may have been one of my favorite long runs ever. I came home, refueled, showered and was off to the pool to recover these hard working legs in the pool for the rest of the weekend. Annie and Liz came home with me this weekend and we had a runner slumber party.

Raging Saturday Night!

Raging Saturday Night!

Compression socks. Wine. Pizza. Graham crackers. And A LOT of conversation. It was so much fun and literally reminded me of when I was a kid and had sleepovers with my friends. Minus the wine, of course. It was a great way to spend as much time as I possibly could with Liz before she moves to Cambridge tomorrow.

Sunday: 3 recovery miles

Slow recovery runs are made infinitely better by the company of good friends and MY BROTHER. Yes! You read that right. He finally said yes when I asked him if he wanted to run with me. I was so proud of him. For someone who doesn’t really run much, he ran the entire 3 miles with us and didn’t stop once.Naturally we spend the rest of the day listening to oldies with our feet in the pool.

My favorite way to spend a summer Sunday!

My favorite way to spend a summer Sunday!

This weekend was seriously awesome. Running both days with some of my favorite people AND a runner slumber party; a girl could get used to this.

Total Mileage: 27 miles

And just like that, I’m 1/3 of the way through training for my first marathon. I literally can’t believe it. 6 weeks down and only 12 to go until the New York City Marathon. This has been quite the adventure so far. I can’t wait for what still lies ahead.

Congratulations! The winner of my one year blogiversary Sparkly Soul headband giveaway is Ashley.


Happy blogaversary! You’ve accomplished so much and are going to continue to rock your goals!

I love the sky blue and the neon green is pretty cool too!!!

Email me with your address, color choice and whether you want a thin or wide headband!

Tell Me.

Do you like hard workouts?

Do you prefer to run alone or with friends?

NYC friends, tell me your favorite 18 mile running route!

7 thoughts on “Training for My First Marathon: Week 6 and Sparkly Soul Giveaway Winner!

  1. Nice job Beth!!!!

    My favorite 18 mile running route was Murray Hill down along the East River (or Summer Streets!) to the Broolyn Bridge, over the bridge and to and around Prospect park and then loop back to Manhattan. Are you running 18 next weekend!?? Would love to run with you next weekend if you’re here!

  2. This is a fantastic post!!! I can feel your excitement and positivity just radiating off of the page 🙂 It makes me so happy and I’m so glad you had such a fantastic week!!

  3. I just moved *out* of NYC in the very year I am running the marathon! Did my ten mile long run this morning (after missing several runs this week, sigh) and then stumbled across your blog a few mins ago. I am sooo inspired to get back on track.

    Definitely miss NYC can’t wait to be back in November!

    • Thank you for your kind words and I’m SO excited that I could help inspire you to get back on track. Best of luck with your training! Can’t wait to have you back in NYC in November.

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