About Me

Hi, I’m Beth! Welcome to Once in a Mile, where I’ll share my adventures, Once in a While.  Here are 18 things to help you get to know me. Kind of like 20 questions, except no questions and there are only 18. You get it.

I was very overweight in high school. Yet, I somehow had the courage and confidence to be a cheerleader. I have lost 50 pounds since and still struggle back and forth with it.

I have been a pharmacist for 9 years.

I love penguins and ladybugs. My mom called me her little penguin when I was born and my Poppy called me paparoosa, which means ladybug in Romanian.

I don’t like peas, corn or mushrooms.

I am right handed but eat lefty.

Fall is my favorite season, especially when everyone is training for the NYC Marathon.

I love Central Park in early spring.

I registered for my first half marathon after only running a 5K charity race.

Even though I have been running for years, my first real race was the Joe Kleinerman 10K in January of 2012. I’ve been hooked ever since.

I only started running with a Garmin in 2012 and have become WAY too dependent on it.

I think all races should be celebrated with champagne.

This summer was the first time I have ever run in shorts. EVER.

I believe in signs and numbers and things that are meant to be. I saw this in Central Park during a training run for my first half marathon.

Some days I wish I was a faster runner; some days I love just running and don’t care.

I don’t look cute in race photos. EVER. But according to Seriously Ugly Race Pics, “if you look good, you’re not working hard enough.” I am, apparently, ALWAYS working hard enough.

My exact thoughts after crossing the finish line of the NYC Half Marathon 2012: WOW! What else am I capable of? Maybe I CAN run a marathon and OMG! How do people do this twice? I am doing the 9+1 NYRR program this year, just in case! *Update: I ran the NYC Marathon on November 3, 2013 and I’m officially a MARATHONER!!!!!*

Caution: I can be a HUGE cheeseball. I am extremely grateful for all that running has brought to my life. Courage, strength, inspiration, determination and incredible new friends.

I have waivered back and forth about publishing this blog. There isn’t a real focus to it. I love to write and I’ve been so inspired by so many other blogs and thought I would join this amazing community. DEEP BREATH! Here goes nothing. I hope you come along for the ride.

4 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Pingback: Workout Wednesdays With Barry’s Bootcamp & Chobani

  2. Pingback: A Great Start to a New Year: Joe Kleinerman 10K Race Recap | Once in a Mile

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